project #1 lost & found
given object description
“Several years ago I lost a silver necklace that my mother had given to me for my birthday. It had a pendant in the shape of a heart, that could be opened in order to place a tiny photograph inside. The front side was decorated with three three-dimensional flowers, arranged in a triangle and each holding a clear crystal in the center.” Johanna Schneider
project reflections
The language my partner used to describe her object was simple, clear and concise. The few sentences given to me allowed me to picture my version of the necklace clearly, though I wonder how true it will be to the original. Utilizing code to create the written version was much more complicated. 161 lines of description as opposed to the written four definitely made the coded version of the necklace more tedious to define. Though this version also produced an image for me to perceive, which was rewarding to say the least. It was interesting to see how my expectations and perception of this imagined object changed due to my reading comprehension, sketches and ultimately my limited skills needed to produce a rendering.
heart curve by makio135 const R = 150; const xh = angle => R / 15.0 * 16 * Math.pow(Math.sin(angle), 3); const yh = p => R / 15.0 * (-13 * Math.cos(p) + 5 * Math.cos(2 * p) + 2 * Math.cos(3 * p) + Math.cos(4 * p)); function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); } function draw() { background(0); noFill(); stroke(255); strokeWeight(3); beginShape(); let n = 200; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { let x = width / 2 + xh(TAU * i / n); let y = height / 2 + yh(TAU * i / n); vertex(x, y); } endShape(); }