project #7 Autobiographical Game

Your proposal, including game description and storyboards

My proposal and the game that came out of it were different. As I was coding the game I was inspired by a video of my dog eating a leaf, like a little weirdo. SO I shifted my original narrative to a storyline about my dog trying to catch leaves and then being comforted when she drops one with belly pats. This game evolved organically as I explred the code and came to fruition out of deperation. Still I think the overall design is cohesive and it ended up working out.

Your assignment reflections

This assignment was difficult. The code itself was not so bad, once I sat down to work I was able to get it done. But the timing killed me. I had two other large games due on the same day that were also assigned to me on the same day, so I was in a position of creating a game a week, which was incredibly difficult. I will say using p5 was a nice change from the unity games. It’s very cool to build things purely out of code and not rely on software at all. Upon resubmitting this game I focused on fully integrating the coding concepts and skills I needed to into the game. I did this succesfully! I explores switch statements, classes and object. I also added more to the game just to make it a more compelling experience.
