project #10 sousveillance tool

why did I choose this API to work with?

I chose to approach this project from the lens of adding missing context or data to an existing set. I found an API that granted me access to many many pictures of dogs and even allowed me to sort them by breed. As I was clicking through these breed options I noticed that a user could select pitbull. Pitbulls are not a breed of dog but a grouping of phenotypes found in such breeds as the american pitbull terrier, american staffordshire terrier, staffordshire bull terrier and the american bully. Most dogs identified as "pitbulls" do not have DNA from the “pitbull’ breeds present. This is potentially harmful because dogs labeled as pitbull will stay in shelters three times longer than dogs designated as their actual breed. This is one of the few misconceptions about pit bulls that desperately needs to be rectified in order to give these dogs back the respect, care and love they deserve. SO I focused my project around providing the missing context and facts that many people need when encountering pictures of these wonderful doggos.

