project #2 face generator

♥ click sketch ♥

♥ press space bar ♥

Describe your design process

I drew my design sketches in Procreate, so I definitely ended up needing to simplify a lot of the details for my p5.js rendering. Still, having a detailed sketch to work off of allowed me to create a more satisfying final image than I would have been able to otherwise. After creating my sketch I began by simply recreating it in the editor as best I could. From there I began to play around with variables, parameters and randomness to generate different sizes, features and colors. I simply experimented until I was happy with the final outcome (or as reasonably happy as I can be with my current skill set).

What have you discovered about the form you've chosen through this assignment?

I have discovered that simplicity is the key, and small animations and interactions can bring even 2D primitives to life. By the end of the entire process I began to feel as if my sketch had a personality of its own. Once I began to feel the vibe of the little creature I was rendering it became easier and easier to improve upon them.
