project #6 data portrait
On your CC portfolio page, please include the following:A
description of your Data Portrait. What was the personal habit you
were trying to track?
On your CC portfolio page, please include the following:A description of your Data Portrait. What was the personal habit you were trying to track?
For my data portrait I was tracking caffeine intake over the course of a week. I tracked the type of beverage, amount of caffeine in that beverage, and time of day it was consumed.
Instructions for the viewers on how to read your data portrait
For the resubmission on this project I focused on clarifying the meaning of the data portrait. To do this I created a key that would allow the viewer to gain context before looking at the sketch. In addition I added the coffee cup illustration to connect the design elements back to the data that was being tracked... caffeine intake.
Describe your design process. Include your numbered list and any other sketches or images that would help us better understand your process
I tracked my data and then converted the numbers into coordinate points so I could easily plot things in p5js. The image below shows this clearly.

Your overall reflection on the assignment:What did you learn about yourself through the process of self-tracking?
Honestly, I just got very concerned for myself….I drink wayyyyyyyy too much caffeine. It cannot be healthy. I need to cut back…..but due to the current amount of homework I have, I definitely will not. Update upon resubmitting this... I did cut back on my caffeine intake, yay!. When I redid this assignment I didn't only focus on design choices but also the code itself.I focused on utilizing the coding concepts I was asked to and it was actually helpful, thanks Jules!
What was gained / lost through the process of data visualization?
I made my image very aesthetically pleasing. However as a standalone piece, it would not be clear to the viewer what was being represented. It gained beauty, but lost clarity.